4739 - 93 Ave.

Edmonton, AB T6B 2T6

(780) 474-7373

Fax (780) 450-1483


Contact Rip n Shred

We'd like to thank you very much for visiting our web site.

If you have any further questions or comments please contact Rip n Shred Inc. by submitting the following form or by phone or email.



- It is economically efficient to use Rip n Shred than shred paper yourself.

- It would take a person up to 11 hours to shred 150lb or 15,000 sheets of paper using a store bought shredder

- It takes less than 3 minutes to shred 150lbs or 15,000 sheets of paper

- Rip n Shred service is less than a tenth the cost of the shredder

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